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We pave the way.


We form a team with people who share the same vision,
Aiming for the top of the mountain
Where no one has been before.
The mountain is steep,
But we learn from it,
And our experience helps us find the way.
Then, a breathtaking view opens up before us.
Together, we prepare to climb again.

Just as those before us paved the way,
We now pave the path that leads to the top of the next mountain.


We pave the hardest road to go the easiest way.

Here at BUSINESS INNOVATION LOUNGE TOKYO, we use knowledge gained from all types of workplaces to provide new perspectives. New perspectives break biases. Breaking biases leads to new possibilities. From these possibilities, we select the best one. We see this as “creating”.
The three mountains show how we always work hard to go the easiest way.

Three mountains represent our ambitions, advantages, and processes.
Three mountains represent our ambitions, advantages, and processes.


Our two ambitions
  1. We shall not bound by the rules The world is changing. If we only stay within existing rules, we will be left behind. To expand our potential and boost our value, we must look beyond the rules for new answers.
  2. In the era of A.I., people shall continue to be our main focus A.I. caused a shift in the paradigm. Today, the emphasis tends to be more on how it can improve efficiency and convenience. But humanity shall continue to be our focal point, as we explore how A.I. and other technologies can help people to find “Fulfilment Through Work”.


Our five advantages
  1. Place for open and honest dialogue Dialogue with our highly experienced facilitators unearths your business issues and allows you to gain new insights.
  2. Experience in supporting workplaces all around the world We have knowledge that comes from our experience in supporting offices and other workplaces all around the world.
  3. Hospitality that draws out creativity We play “host” to you and the team as you delve into the true nature of the problem. We have activities for hands-on experiences, relaxing spaces where you can speak your mind, elements that draw out your creativity, and facilities for shaping your ideas.
  4. Perspective of the “non-expert” Experts from different fields offer different perspectives, breaking the bias of convention and common knowledge.
  5. Technology that is “just enough” We find out what technology is “just enough” for a fundamental solution to your problems, not too much and not too little.


Our five processes


From Working,
to Creating

Here at BUSINESS INNOVATION LOUNGE TOKYO, we help you turn your ideas and dreams into reality through “dialogue with experience”. We aim to create value so people can focus on what they truly want to do. We work together with you, our partner, as we pursue Ricoh’s vision of "Fulfillment through Work".


From Customer, to Partner

At BUSINESS INNOVATION LOUNGE TOKYO, we will spend a lot of time together, starting with a dialogue, then exploring issues and testing hypotheses. We become partners in overcoming challenges. By sharing a common space, we break down the border between companies. By sharing a common goal, we are a community.


    18F Shinagawa Season Terrace 2-70 Konan 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo Nearest station: JR Shinagawa Station (Six minutes on foot from the Konan Exit) Google Map
    Plan Your Visit

    RICOH BIL TOKYO welcomes visitors from the private sector, central and local governments, and specialized agencies and groups. However, reservations are necessary. Please contact our sales staff for more information.