
Financial Highlights

The Year Ended March 31
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Key performance indicators (for fiscal year)   (billions of yen)
Sales 2,108.4 2,151.4 2,209.0 2,028.8 2,063.3 2,013.2 2,008.5 1,682.0 1,758.5 2,134.1 2,348.9
 Japan   759.5   761.5   767.5   799.9   805.7   872.3   753.0   705.2   803.9   865.6
 The Americas   648.5   693.7   609.0   577.5   567.4   534.1   386.6   443.6   600.8   659.7
 Europe, Middle East and Africa   532.3   531.0   456.4   477.5   458.8   436.4   393.4   450.1   546.4   623.7
 Other   210.9   222.6   195.8   208.3   181.1   165.5   149.0   159.5   182.9   199.8
 Overseas total 1,391.8 1,447.4 1,261.3 1,263.4 1,207.4 1,136.2   929.0 1,053.3 1,330.2 1,483.3
Gross profit   873.2   906.9   881.9   788.6   791.0   766.8   721.5   572.3   622.6   745.4   820.0
Operating profit (loss)   120.3   115.7   102.2    33.8  (115.6)    86.8    79.0   (45.4)    40.0    78.7    62.0
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the parent    72.8    68.5    62.9     3.4  (135.3)    49.5    39.5   (32.7)    30.3    54.3    44.1
Capital investments (property, plant and equipment)    72.9    75.9    83.7    75.4    72.2    72.4    86.5    42.1    37.3    45.4    53.2
Depreciation and amortization (property, plant and equipment)    63.3    70.9    68.7    68.0    68.4    65.4    62.5    45.3    39.8    41.9    44.0
Research and development expenditure   116.2   118.7   118.5   114.3   111.0   111.0   102.8    90.3    96.7   107.7   109.8
Financial position (at fiscal year-end)
Total assets 2,556.9 2,730.2 2,776.4 2,759.2 2,641.0 2,725.1 2,867.6 1,887.8 1,853.2 2,149.9 2,286.1
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 1,017.9 1,084.1 1,077.8 1,042.1   909.5   932.5   920.3   920.2   902.0   931.5 1,038.7
Interest-bearing debt (on corporate bonds and borrowings)*   724.1   790.5   852.8   859.7   881.9   933.4   245.6   294.6   302.5   427.2   420.0
Net interest-bearing debt*   580.0   651.9   684.2   724.6   721.2   693.2   (17.2)   (40.4)    62.1   205.1   242.7
Cash flows (for fiscal year)
Cash flows from operating activities   146.8   102.5    99.8    88.2   110.2    81.9   116.7   126.9    82.4    66.7   125.6
Cash flows from investing activities  (122.9)  (143.4)  (104.1)  (106.7)   (81.0)   (45.9)  (164.5)   (63.5)   (59.3)  (133.9)   (97.8)
Cash flows from financing activities  (923.6)    29.9    42.6   (19.9)     6.4    42.4    75.7    (4.0)  (131.6)    35.4   (82.9)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   533.0   137.7   167.5   126.4   160.7   240.0   263.6   330.3   234.0   210.8   169.6
Free cash flow    23.9   (40.9)    (4.2)   (18.4)    29.2    36.0   (47.8)    63.4    23.1   (67.2)    27.7
Financial Indices 
Operating margin (%)     5.7     5.4     4.6     1.7    (5.6)     4.3     3.9    (2.7)     2.3     3.7     2.6
Return on equity (%)     7.5     6.5     5.8     0.3   (13.9)     5.4     4.3    (3.6)     3.3     5.9     4.5
ROIC (%)     2.8     4.9     3.3
Net debt-to-equity ratio* (Times)     0.56     0.60     0.63     0.70     0.79     0.74    (0.09)    (0.12)    (0.01)     0.15     0.17
Equity attributable to owners of the parent ratio (%)    39.6    39.7    38.8    37.8    34.4    34.2    32.1    48.7    48.7    43.3    45.4
Shareholder returns
Dividends paid    23.9    24.6    25.3    25.3    10.8    16.6    18.8    10.8    16.9    20.7    21.8
Dividend payout ratio (%)    32.9    35.9    40.3   727.7    33.7    47.6    57.3    38.6    49.6
Share repurchase costs     7.2    92.7    30.0     7.5
Total return ratio (%)    32.9    35.9    40.3   727.7    33.7    47.6   362.6    93.8    66.7
Per-share data (yen)
Profit attributable to owners of the parent   100.44    94.58    86.87     4.81  (186.75)    68.32    54.58   (45.20)    45.35    88.13    72.58
Dividend    33    34    35    35    15    23    26    15    26    34    36
Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent 1,420.04 1,495.61 1,486.87 1,437.62 1,254.79 1,286.56 1,270.47 1,281.29 1,416.08 1,529.46 1,722.07
Foreign exchange rates
U.S. dollar (at fiscal year-end) ($)   102.92   120.17   112.68   112.19   106.24   110.99   108.83   110.71   122.39   133.53   151.41
Euro (at fiscal year-end) (€)   141.65   130.32   127.70   119.79   130.52   124.56   119.55   129.80   136.70   145.72   163.24
U.S. dollar (average for fiscal year) ($)   100.29   109.89   120.12   108.39   110.91   110.95   108.80   106.05   112.36   135.49   144.53
Euro (average for fiscal year) (€)   134.47   138.85   132.68   118.82   129.67   128.46   119.55   129.80   130.55   140.91   156.74
  • *
    Interest-bearing debt: Corporate bonds and borrowings
  • Ricoh’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS.
    For Critical Accounting Policies and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, please refer to securities reports.

Future Financial Highlights


The Year Ended March 31
2021 2022 2023 2024
Decarbonization Energy (TJ) Total energy consumption   3,697   3,475   3,519   3,295
Electricity consumption (MWh) Total electricity consumption 474,278 468,872 479,622 455,054
(MWh) Electricity from renewable energy sources  82,057 118,481 144,555 152,993
(%) Renewable energy ratio      17.3      25.3      30.1      33.6
Greenhouse gases (1,000t CO₂-eq) Scope 1     117.3     116.0     115.5     107.4
(1,000t CO₂-eq) Scope 2 market base     172.7     146.5     134.4     118.8
(1,000t CO₂-eq) Scope 1 and 2 total     290.0     262.5     249.9     226.3
(1,000t CO₂-eq)/billions of yen Emissions per sales unit      17.2      14.9      11.7       9.6
(FY2015 emissions: 457.9) (%) Scope 1 and 2 reduction rate (from FY2015)      36.7      42.7      45.4      50.6
(1,000t CO₂-eq) Scope 3   1,585   1,522   1,591   1,434
(FY2015 emissions: 2,333) (%) Scope 3 reduction rate (from FY2015)      32.1      34.8      31.8      38.5
Virgin material usage ratio (%)      90.7      87.9      84.9      78.9
Water (1,000 m3) Water withdrawal   3,266   3,184   3,170   3,124
(1,000 m3) Water discharge   2,418   2,412   2,572   2,234
(%) Percentage of water reused and recycled       8       7       7       8
Waste (t) Total amount of waste  59,997  62,593  67,169  57,682
(t) Final disposal amount     259     364     383     310
(%) Resource recovery rate      98.1      98.0      98.5      98.6
Conservation of biodiversity Environmentally sensitive chemicals (t) Amount used   3,632   3,456   3,697   3,288
(t) Amount discharged     658     742     749     579
Chemical substances subject to Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (t) Amount used   1,111.6   1,389.0   1,352.4   1,032.5
(t) Amount discharged     175.7     311.4     315.6     234.5
(t) Amount transferred      49.2     147.4     156.7     120.8
Air pollutants (t) Sulphur oxide emissions       2.0       3.7       3.2       4.1
(t) Nitrogen oxide emissions      53.8      46.5      53.6      50.6
(t) Volatile organic compound emissions     602     669     681     524
Conservation of biodiversity (tree) One Million Trees Project Number of trees planted  92,000 149,000  97,000 115,000


The Year Ended March 31
2021 2022 2023 2024
Human resources Number of employees
(on consolidated basis)
(people) Total  81,184  78,360  81,017  79,544
(people) Japan  30,369  29,454  31,800  31,064
(people) The Americas  19,389  18,648  19,227  18,299
(people) Europe, Middle East and Africa  16,136  15,729  16,234  16,867
(people) China   6,823   6,541   6,135   5,483
(people) Asia Pacific   8,467   7,988   7,621   7,831
Ratio of full-time male to female employees Males to females Ricoh Company, Ltd. 84:16 84:16 83:17 83:17
Males to females Ricoh Group (Japan) 82:18 82:18 81:19 81:19
Males to females Ricoh Group (Global) 71:29 71:29 71:29 70:30
Gender pay gap for all employees (%; males to females) Ricoh Company, Ltd.      78.0      78.6
(%; males to females) Global      80.9      83.3
Female-held managerial position ratio (%) Ricoh Company, Ltd.       5.4       6.0       6.6       7.2
(%) Ricoh Group (Japan)       5.8       6.3       6.7       7.7
(%) Ricoh Group (Global)      15.1      15.6      15.9      16.5
Average years of service (years) Male      20.0      20.9      20.4      20.1
(years) Female      20.5      20.2      21.1      20.8
Employee turnover rate (%) Ricoh Company, Ltd.       1.9       2.8       2.9       2.7
(%) Ricoh Group (Global)      14.7      13.0      11.3      11.8
Childcare leave rate
(Ricoh Group Japan)
(%) Male      82.4      94.8      98.2      90.2
(%) Female     100.6      97.0     110.1     105.4
Employment rate of workers with disabilities (%) (Ricoh special subsidiary group)       2.42       2.52       2.52       2.51
(%) Ricoh Group (Global)       1.53       1.63       1.66       1.68
Average training hours per employee (hours) Ricoh Group (Global)      19.3      38.0      45.1      31.2
Average training cost per employee (yen) Ricoh Group (Global)  83,751  90,712  92,495  95,594
Engagement Score (percentile) Global       3.57       3.65       3.73       3.79
(percentile) Japan       3.40       3.47       3.51       3.57
(percentile) North America       3.83       3.92       4.00       4.00
(percentile) Latin America       3.63       3.64       3.96       3.90
(percentile) Europe       3.53       3.63       3.83       3.92
(percentile) APAC       3.86       3.93       3.97       4.03
Occupational health and safety Occupational accident rate Ricoh Company, Ltd.       0.06       0.13       0.19       0.33
Ricoh Group (Global)       1.33       0.97       1.04       1.15
Occupational accident severity rate Ricoh Company, Ltd. 0.0002 0.0037 0.0008 0.017
Ricoh Group (Global)       0.03       0.02 0.03
Innovation management Number of patents held (patents) Japan  16,629  15,372  14,899  13,637
Overseas  23,829  22,105  20,093  18,487
Contributing to society Hours of employee social contribution activities (hours) Ricoh Group (Global)  88,559  79,654 130,931 102,738
Total social contribution expenditure (millions of yen) Ricoh Group (Global)     602     548   1,916     542

Related Information

Commitment and Recognition

Commitment to Society

We committed wholeheartedly to achieving a sustainable society by signing international agreements and policy guidelines

United Nations Global Compact

In April 2002, we became the second Japanese company to sign this pact


In April 2017, we were the first Japanese company to join this collaborative, global initiative of influential businesses

ESG Index Inclusions and Assessments

External organizations in Japan and abroad have included us in their ESG benchmarks
In July 2024, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund included us in six major ESG indices for domestic equities that it has adopted

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, EcoVadis, Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporation, Sustainability Yearbook Top 1%, FTSE Blossom Japan Index, FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, FTSE4Good Index Series, ISS ESG Corporate Rating, S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index, CDP CLIMATE and WATER, CDP Supplier Engagement Leader 2023, Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index, MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN), MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes, MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index, MSCI ESG Ratings AAA

The inclusion by Ricoh Company, Ltd., of data from MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (MSCI) or the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names does not constitute MSCI’s sponsorship, endorsement, or promotion of Ricoh Company, Ltd. MSCI and the MSCI name and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.

Major Awards

Domestic and international awards attest to the Ricoh Group’s excellence

日経スマートワーク経営調査 星5に認定、日経SDGs経営調査 星5に認定、日経統合報告書アワード 優秀賞受賞

Related Information

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

This integrated report aims to deepen stakeholder understanding of Ricoh Group efforts to increase long-term corporate value by producing and disclosing management policies and financial and ESG information.

The Ricoh Group continues to evolve in keeping with its goal to transform into a digital services company by 2025 that connects workplaces and supports worker creativity. This report presents value creation processes and specific examples of initiatives across the medium- to long-term to enhance corporate value. We encourage all employees to understand how they can help create value and contribute to social progress. We also want them to remain aware of how their jobs relate to society and embody our Mission & Vision of Fulfillment through Work.

In producing this report, we referred to the IFRS Foundation–recommended International Integrated Reporting Framework and the Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We also interviewed institutional investors regarding the fiscal 2022 report and made improvements based on their feedback.

Target readership

All Ricoh Group stakeholders

Scope of coverage

Ricoh Company, Ltd., and consolidated subsidiaries

Reporting period

Fiscal 2023 (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024), also presenting some activities after that period

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation

Disclosure Framework

Disclosure Framework

We augment the Ricoh Group Integrated Report, which outlines our overall initiatives, with comprehensive ESG information in the ESG Data Book and Ricoh Group Environmental Report.

Significant Organizational Changes

On July 1, 2024, Ricoh and Toshiba Tec established the joint venture ETRIA CO., LTD.

Exchange Rate Used in This Report

The translation of yen-denominated amounts into U.S. dollar equivalents as of March 31, 2024, and for fiscal 2023, is solely for the convenience of readers outside Japan. We used an exchange rate of ¥151 = US$1, the Federal Reserve Board’s approximate prevailing rate on March 31, 2024.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The data and projections in this Integrated Report are based on information available as of the publication date. They are subject to a range of factors. As results might differ materially from forecasts, do not rely unduly on these forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation to update them based on new information or future events.

Third-Party Verification of Environmental and Social Data

SGS Japan Inc., a third-party audit provider, independently verifies the Ricoh Group’s environmental performance data, including GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3), and social data, to enhance the credibility of our data and compliance. We post audit results on our website for easy stakeholder access.

Verification has encompassed information systems, data collection methods, tabulation and analysis, and data accuracy.

We will keep enhancing data credibility by using third-party verification services and broadening the scope of verification, thereby improving our environmental activities.