For visible risks, we can plan and implement appropriate measures in consideration of their specific features. For invisible risks, however, simply taking general measures without taking into account the features of those risks might not be appropriate.
A wider range of information asset-related risks are analyzed as a result of risk assessment. In internal audits, how are items such as the criticality, threats, vulnerabilities, and risks of those and whether risk response measures are adequate judged?
This can be examined using the example of an information asset “new product drawings.”
These may be general measures taken against visible risks. There may also be invisible risks.
The following are some of the invisible risks:
Other risks may also be invisible.
In order to find these risks, it appears necessary to go beyond simply analyzing the confidentially, integrity and availability of the information assets themselves. Risk analysis is performed not only for information assets, but also for physical protection (facility), operation of information assets (lifecycle), and compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts that affect the security of information assets and information assets.
Visualization of all issues related to the organization is effective in finding risks by accurately identifying the situation and in implementing appropriate measures against those risks.
After visualizing all the issues, you may find that there are a great number of items that you were unaware of or that you misunderstood about the organization and its features.
What issues, then, need to be visualized?
Visualizing the audited department means knowing about who is being audited. And knowing about who is being audited allows one to identify important points to be focused on. To carry out audits effectively within a limited timeframe, auditors must keep focused on the important points.
How, then, should the issues be visualized?
There are also various other visualization methods. Here, modeling by mind mapping is shown as an example of a visualization tool.
Provided by Takuro Haneda, Information Security Consulting Group, Consulting Promotion Office,
Solution Marketing Division, Ricoh Japan Corporation
Mind mapping, invented by Tony Buzan, is based on descriptions using keywords tied together. The human brain stores a massive amount of memories, and these memories can be recalled with the use of keywords. Even without listing or using documents, it is possible to recall a vast amount of memories from keywords. If the process of an analyzer’s thinking is visualized by descriptions using keywords tied together, all participants are able to share and review the process. ThinkBuzan of the United Kingdom possesses all rights related to mind mapping.
The relationship between visible risks and invisible risks can be found by visualizing the organization audited. That way, previously unknown risks can be noticed.
The auditing and audited party both should share the same information. If the quality of the information possessed by the parties differs, the quality of the organization’s management system will decline. With an ISMS, both parties can aim to improve the management system by sharing the organizational profile and by recognizing risks.
Risk assessments are generally carried out primarily for information assets.
Under the ISMS, however, it is also necessary to assess risks regarding specific business requirements as well as those that concern legal and regulatory requirements.
Threats to information assets are related to the operation (lifecycle) and environment (facilities) of information assets, as well as to compliance with related laws, regulations, contracts, and the like. Risk assessments must therefore be conducted for all of these elements.
In order to protect information assets, it is necessary to understand the structure of the risk analysis targets such as shown below.
Risk analysis targets related to information assets are classified into the following.
In internal audits, whether risk analysis targets are recognized and assessed appropriately within the organization needs to be checked.
The next part will be “3. What is an audit for business maintenance and advancement? ―Effectiveness audits in practice―”.
This explains in detail the Ricoh Group’s beliefs on and initiatives for information security.
This explains in detail our activities to protect customer information handled for Ricoh Group products and services from attackers.
This explains in detail our activities to protect customer information handled in the Ricoh Group business environment from attackers.