Factory Security

What is FactorySecurity?

It mainly refers to entire activities regarding security at manufacturing facilities such as factories. Differing from protecting IT environment at common offices represented by Corporate security, it can be any activities to alleviate security risks found in OT(※) environment which is uniquely at production points

  • OT:OT, which stands for Operational Technology, refers to factory whole network comparing to IT.
The figure shows a diagram of OT (Operational Technology) environment structure within an enterprise as well as simple IT environment structure as a comparison.
IT environment refers to the company's information network control in a company, whereas, in OT environment, it refers to control of their production system and equipment in the factory.
While IT and OT network have a different purpose for each, they manage & control the company-wide security in an integrated method. IT environment aims for protection of information assets of the company. On the other hand, OT environment aims to guard manufacturing equipment and to maintain secured manufacturing operation in the factory.

The system configuration chart is cited from Cyber Physical Security Support Guideline ver1.0 Fig.2-1 at factory system in the publication issued by MOF Industrial Cybersecurity study committee. Grouping and notes are added by Ricoh

For regular production site network, the network is generally composed of 2 type of networks such as administrative work network(IT network) and production infrastructure network(OT network) which connects to production equipment. OT environment is mainly connected with IT environment, the factory security treats the cybersecurity within the OT environment.

In IT environment, cybersecurity process puts emphasis on preventing customer information and business confidential from leakage to support Confidentiality feature. On the other hand, under OT environment, it puts importance on maintaining business continuity by guarding the production line to support Availability feature.

Understanding the current background of Factory Security

Nowadays, cyberattacks frequently occur and have become more sophisticated, complicated, elaborated, and making them more threatening.
Generally, the attackers tend to avoid to target any points in headquarters or other sites with high security strength, but instead, the attackers tend to attempt to infiltrate through the points of affiliated companies/facilities with comparably weak security governance. This facts are backed up by actual incidents in the recent news. In the manufacturing industry, as a part of supply chain, it has become an urgent issue to strengthen its security at factories in accordance with increase of collaborations with affiliated companies and facilities.

In this context, we, Ricoh Group, is not exception. Until a few years ago that we were not able to grasp the security measure status at each Ricoh Groupe factory. Then we needed to take an assessment to comprehend the situation about cybersecurity since there were loads of inadequacy in terms of security governance. In production process, there are devices & equipment implemented with computers such as measuring device and robots. They can be target(s) for the attackers because the latest security patches sometimes failed promptly to apply to these devices & equipment. When a part of production stops due to security incident, it could lead to a cease on the whole production line. This implies that there will be a threat causing hundreds of millions yen financial damage.

Objectives in the activity

We, Ricoh Group, initiated the Factory Security Enhancement(Strengthening) Activities since year 2022, and as of year 2024, it has been implemented at some of factories across the group. We have planned to spread out these activities to other locations both in domestic and overseas based on the achievement so far seeking the completion of this activities to all factories of the group.

The goal of this activity is to reduce the security incident rate occurring at the production sites as much as possible, and to support all production sites being able to deliver safe and secure products to customers with a security perspective.

Policy of Factory Security Enhancement Activity

Ricoh group has continuously proceeded the security enhancement activity to reduce security risks at actual factory sites.
We continue manufacturing our products by maintaining the production process secured. For that purpose, we will reduce production process security risks threatening stable-supply to prevent any impact on the business of customers who use our products or on the business of customers who outsource their production to Ricoh.
By continually implementing these measures, we will be able to continue manufacturing and providing better products by responding to production advances through DM/DX and to evolving cyber attacks.

Fundamental Policy

1. Maintain Secured Circumstances

Recent security incidents have not only caused production stoppage at one site, but also can be a factor to give an impact on more than production sites, such as environmental pollution, disasters, and impacts on customer businesses. As a part of the BCP(※) activities, we will maintain the safety of the production process at our sites to prevent any security incidents from causing significantly inconvenience to residents in neighborhood of our sites, consumable products, part suppliers, and various others.

  • BCP:Business Continuity Planning

2. Guarding Production Process

By reducing security risks at the manufacturing sites, we will maintain production circumstances secured. As a part of the BCP activity, we will continuously conduct risk reduction activity to prevent security incidents from affecting production by giving impact on the stable operation of digital equipment incorporated in the production process line.

3. Protect Information

Not only the production environment (equipment) but also various information (data) such as production data and customer data are required for stable production. With the recent digitalization, the amount of digital data has increased quicky, and security risks related to data have also increased rapidly, which makes it important to protect data for stable production. We will maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of various information (data) handled in the production process.

Activity Guideline

1. Prevent by coordination with Human Resource・Process・Technology

We will conduct security enhancement activity on three elements such as Human Resource, Process, and Technology. With close coordination with each element to increase the overall maturity level, we aim for continuous and stable reduction of factory security risks lead by the production site.

2. Protection in daily activities

At actual production site, existing protection activities such as BCP, 5S, and TPM have already been implemented on a daily basis. We integrate security perspective into a daily activities as an additional element to the site where those protection activities have been carried out rather than just bringing in another newly security aspect in a manufacturing site. Subsequently, we seek to promote this security culture as our own responsibility.

3. Protection with Security Standards

We adopt standards/guidelines suitable for the production site from the viewpoint of measurement and evaluation of effectiveness. Recently, there have established standards and guidelines specific to production site both domestically and internationally. We will sort appropriate standards to resolve on-site security risks and comply with them. In order to keep up with rapid evolution of cyber attacks, we will not stick to only one standard but continually optimize the usage by using multiple standards and review them on annual basis.

Approach for Factory Security Enhancement

Our Approaches to planning & implementation

Ricoh Group has dozens of manufacturing facilities in Japan and overseas, but there is no such favorable situation from governance perspective, where all of products, system, and process are the same, rather, they all usually are different from others. In other words, the unified governance approach for all sites would not be effective, and it was necessary to proceed in a way that suit to the circumstances and convenience of each site.

Considering this aspect, having a factory as a model would be more useful to enable efficient base development. Thus, we started selecting a reference factory(※) as a roll-model to increase security, identifying the target level while discussion with the manager(s) at the reference factory, and determined the necessary measures to suit the level together with promotion staff and on-site staff. Thereafter, we took the approach to roll out the outcome & process earned at the reference factory.

  • Reference factory: factories manufacturing important products for Ricoh Group by precedingly promoting and initiating factory security.

1Clarify response policy

Tackle on-site issue

Solve on-site issue and problem in timely manner, which will be valuable at the site​

Tech follows next

Think about human resources, organizations, and processes first rather than technology. Awareness both of Humans and Organization will strengthen the security.

2Selection of reference factory

Select factories that manufacture important products to Ricoh and have advanced digital manufacturing practices as reference factory.
Deploy, domestically and internationally, asset & knowledge gained from the results of implemented measures at the reference factories

3Finding out the target security level and its initiatives

Find and determine the security level to be achieved both in short-term and medium-term, then, implement those measures. Make a use of factory security guideline, which include assessment actual examples, issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as an index of security standard for countermeasure.

You can find a workflow chart indicating 3 steps regarding security countermeasure plan & implementation on factory security. In each step frame, there are listed specified procedures for each step to be implemented.
The title for each step is as follow;
Step 1: Sort internal and external requirements
Step 2: Establish a Plan for security measure
Step 3: Implementing Security Countermeasure, & continually reviewing plan, countermeasure, and operational system (applying PDCA cycle method)
  • Cited by Cyber Physical Security Response Guideline at Factory System
    Published by Industrial Cybersecurity Study Committee of MITI(Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)

Determine the target security level to achieve and identify its measures according to each step of the guideline displayed above.
Firstly, sort out and organize the necessary requirements for security measure & assessment, and establish the security measures based on the result.
Subsequently, take the measure considering its life-cycle and supply chain, keep on reviewing the idea, measures, and operational system according to the change in circumstances and technology so that you maintain repeating the cycle for each step.

Activity Achievement

Throughout the security enhancement activity at each manufacturing site, referring to the successful implementation case, they have promoted the improved security activity at the site in accordance with individual business characteristics & work environment. Here is one of the examples.


For many years, at our manufacturing factories, we have been implementing risk management processes from the perspective of safe hygiene and natural disaster countermeasure. These processes have been administrated and operated under the direction by company-wide control department. But, these days, in order to respond to newly threats such as cyber attacks, we are seeking to integrate factory security risks to existing management system.

With the support by security control department, each factory site have established communication routes and response systems at security incidents. Furthermore, to increase the effectiveness of these systems and regulations, the improvement activities have been continuously conducted fulfilling with the actual circumstances of each factory through the periodical on-desk & on-site practices & trainings.

The governance of the factory security have kept evolving to strengthen comprehensive ability to response to newly threats by enhancing frameworks of traditional risk management.

2Establish the rules

The security rules and guidelines tailored to on-site levels have been created in line with individual factory characteristics and circumstances based on the standards defined in governance control. These approaches, as improving security level across all group plants, help maintaining the efficient and optimal operational management at the sites.

3Education & Training on Human Resources

Here are provided 3 stages of basic & specialized education program to improve employees’ security awareness, their achievement of knowledge, Skill, and experiences, and strengthening security awareness.

  1. Bronze Level
    1. Basic level education explaining factory security for all employees consisting of more than 10 supporting short movies.
  2. Silver Level
    1. Specialized training program for administrators/managers to learn essential process/procedure from incident occurrence to its settlement.
  3. Gold Level
    1. Upper stage specialized training for on-site engineers/technicians to learn the method identifying the potential risks at worksite and how to respond to cyber attacks.

Also, along with incorporating these training programs with BCP/5S/TPM activities, we put importance on urging our employees to consider any potential unwanted accidents as much as their own responsibility. To support the employees’ security awareness, we are providing various posts and educational movie clips, etc. in the facilities.

4Technology Discussion

  1. Assess the current situation by investigation and confirmation about countermeasure status from technical perspective through on-site inspection and interviews with the personnel. (see ① below)
  2. Based on results from the assessment in ①, being led by the on-site opinions, identify technologies and equipment to be implemented considering the current response situation, the risks magnitude, and expected impacts on the business. (see ② below)
  3. Take flexible responses to optimize on-site capability, for example, determine unnecessity of the response when the risks/impacts are small. (see ③ below)
Here is a table previously used in the section [Technology discussion] to explain.  The table has rows for each category in the following order, from far most left, case number, category, confirmation item, and a couple of columns for each business. In the table, 3 parts surrounded by dotted line are emphasized, each part marked by the number 1,2, and 3. For #1 part, it highlights confirmation items & current status. Each business column is divided to two sub-column such as current status and countermeasure. In current status cell, mark result assessed in terms of the confirmation items. In countermeasure cell(#2&3 part), indicate countermeasure against the risk showing critical severity.
  • Cited by Cyber Physical Security Response Guideline at Factory System
    Published by Industrial Cybersecurity Study Committee of MITI(Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)