Message from the Chief Technology Officer

Using Ricoh's unique technologies to create innovation with customers

Ricoh continues to create change that fits closely with the needs of the world of work, supporting the expression of human creativity and building a sustainable society for the future. In recent years, there has been significant diversification in how people work around the world, and the role of the workplace has shifted from simply being where the work is performed to being a place that nurtures creativity. Ricoh aims to be a “workplace service provider” that can offer consistent services globally. As a digital services company, we strive to earn a high level of trust as an essential partner contributing to our customers' business success by refining our strengths in conventional technology while expanding that technology into new areas.

I believe that one of the roles of a CTO is to create a culture and environment that allows our engineers and other employees to experience the “Fulfillment through Work” stated in the Ricoh Way Mission & Vision. We achieve this by aligning the growth of each individual employee with the growth of the business and developing a digital workforce that drives change. To build our future as a technology company, we continually strengthen our R&D governance and concentrate our investment in key areas, shifting to a market-in/open innovation type R&D process. Additionally, we aim to deepen our existing business and create new customer experience value, enhancing our technological competitiveness as a digital services company. We work to strengthen our data utilization platform and AI technology development while also generating mid- to long-term profits by promoting our intellectual property portfolio and raising the overall level of our technical human resources.

The Ricoh Group continues to use technology to help build the future of the workplace.

Yasuyuki Nomizu
Senior Corporate Officer, CTO

Yasuyuki Nomizu CTO (Chief Technology Officer)