Customer Satisfaction

Basic Concept

The Ricoh Group's CS goal: What we value

Since the "Spirit of Three Loves" was advocated by Kiyoshi Ichimura, the founder of the Ricoh Group, the Ricoh Group has always placed the highest priority on customer satisfaction and delight by delivering value that exceeds their expectations.
One of the teachings left by Ichimura is "Don't aim the thing itself”. This means that we should not simply pursue profits, but rather give a top priority to the satisfaction of our customers. In other words, the Ricoh Group aims to satisfy and inspire customers by solving their problems, co-creating, and providing values that lead to enhancing their corporate values. This embodies Oyakudachi (putting yourself in the other person’s shoes) ideal that the Ricoh Group advocates.

CS as a management principle

The Ricoh Group runs businesses, putting the most importance on enhancing CS. The Ricoh Group also places importance on not only handling customer complaints but also on providing values that exceed their expectations and lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Our commitment to CS was acknowledged in 1999, when Ricoh was awarded the "Japan Quality Award" (JQA) in recognition of this corporate culture and approach to stakeholders. To further understand our customer’s needs and wants, we also conduct customer satisfaction surveys based on regional circumstances in Japan, the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific, and we work to resolve the issues that are identified in these CS surveys.

The diagram aims to capture true needs uncovered from latent needs and provide customer experiences and experiences that exceed expectations.

CS required as a digital service company

"Value co-creation partner" to co-create with customers.

The Ricoh Group is transforming into a digital service company that creates and provides digital services that contribute to the sustainable growth of our customers by using the power of digital and data to support the creativity of workers.

To create and provide values in digital services, it is essential to co-create values together with our customers, and we aim to be evaluated by our customers not simply as a supplier of products and services, but as a partner who provides a value to solve problems and enhance a corporate value according to ever-changing needs. Our goal is to become the Value Co-creation Partner. To achieve this, it is important to continuously build up CS by providing various digital services.

The figure shows our aim to be recognized by our customers as a “partner for vision realization and business growth” with the highest degree of value co-creation partnership.

Customer value of digital services

The essential value of digital services refers to customers’ benefits, such as productivity improvement, cost reduction, and sales increase, obtained through the usage of the products and services we provide.
Customer experience value includes an experience such as pre- and post-implementation follow-up, and we will emphasize active support that enables customers to gain even greater benefits than before. It also includes the Ricoh Group's corporate attitudes at various touch points, work methodologies, employee behavior, and an easier understanding of the website.


To be the Value Co-creation Partner, we believe it is necessary to strengthen our problem-solving capabilities and enhance our customer-centric corporate culture, and to develop human resources and strengthen our processes.

Strengthening Problem-Solving Capabilities

As a "Value Co-creation Partner," it is necessary to further strengthen problem-solving capabilities, to accurately understand customer issues, and to provide the most suitable solutions through digital services. We are striving to strengthen our professional capabilities in fields such as AI technology and to develop digital human resources that can use digital technology and data. We are doing this through the Ricoh Digital Academy, which encourages each employee continuously to learn autonomously.

We support realizing of customer DX at the Ricoh Business Innovation Lounge Tokyo (RICOH BIL TOKYO), where we work with customers to help solve their problems and realize their visions. We also provide knowledge and expertise to customers through Customer Innovation Support service (CIS), which introduces the Ricoh Group activities to help customers solve their problems and enhance their corporate value.

Strengthening our customer-centric corporate culture

The Ricoh Group has established "The RICOH Way," our corporate philosophy, to fulfill our mission and achieve our goals, it also has established "Customer-Centric" as one of the action guidelines for employees. Therefore, all employees and the entire organization are committed to enhancing CS.
We are also fostering our corporate culture in which all employees and organizations place importance on CS and pursue it. This leads to improving customer relations.

Enhancing of value proposition based on customer evaluations

The Ricoh Group conducts its own customer satisfaction surveys in the four regions of Japan, the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The survey measures the percentage of customers who evaluate Ricoh as a digital service (Value Co-Creation Partner level), which is one of the ESG targets, as well as the degree of trust they have in the Ricoh Group.

In addition, we are working to make improvements and create new values based on the results of satisfaction surveys conducted by JD Power, a third-party research organization that supports the improvement of products and services and business growths, as well as on analysis of customer feedback.

Fostering Oyakudachi mindset and behaviors

In order to disseminate on the Oyakudachi mindset and behavior, which the Ricoh Group has long valued, we provide a wide range of training courses by each organization and job level, as well as the CS pamphlet both in Japan and overseas.
In addition, we are promoting autonomous actions by sharing learning insights from interviews with customers who highly value the Ricoh Group to improve customer satisfaction.

Visualizing a level of Oyakudachi for improvement

As a digital service company, we continuously visualize a level of Oyakudachi to improve individual mindset & behavior and a corporate culture at each of our group companies in Japan. This initiative enables us to strengthen our corporate culture and focus on pursuing CS.

A ranking trend of customer satisfaction by J.D. Power surveys in Japan

IT Solution IT Maintenance Service Color Copier Color Laser Printer Call Center
Large & Middle Office Small Office Copier/Printer Server PC/Tablet
FY2019 1st 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 1st
FY2020 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st
FY2021 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st
FY2022 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd 3rd 2nd
FY2023 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 2nd
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    [FY2019-2023 J.D. Power IT Solution Provider Customer Satisfaction Survey]
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    [FY2019-2023 J.D. Power IT Equipment Maintenance Service Customer Satisfaction Survey<Server>]
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    [FY2019-2023 J.D. Power Color Copier Customer Satisfaction Survey<Large & Middle Office Market> and <Small Office Market>]
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    [FY2019-2023 J.D. Power Color Laser Printer Customer Satisfaction Survey]
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    [FY2019-2023 J.D. Power Technical Support Call Center for Corporation]