CEO Message for Sustainability

Yoshinori Yamashita President and CEO

Our founding principles, the Spirit of Three Loves—"Love your neighbor”, “Love your country”, “Love your work”— is the cornerstone of all Ricoh Group corporate activities, formulated by Kiyoshi Ichimura when he founded Ricoh in 1936. Having this principles at our core, at Ricoh, we empower individuals to find “Fulfillment through Work” by understanding and transforming how people work so we can unleash their potential and creativity to realize a sustainable future.

With the spread of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), companies everywhere, in Japan and overseas, are expected to increase their corporate efforts to realize a sustainable society. I therefore believe that for a business to grow, it is essential that its operations address social issues. Consequently, we are promoting our activities in recognition of the fact that businesses that do not respond to SDGs will be eliminated from the market. At the same time, we view ESG initiatives as "future finance" that will ring fence us against potential risks and capture future opportunities for our businesses.

To integrate ESG into our management strategy, the Ricoh Group has identified four material issues (important social issues) related to "resolving social issues through business" and three materialities related to "strengthening the management infrastructure" to support these materialities. By contributing to the realization of a prosperous society through the resolution of these seven material issues, we aim to be the company of choice for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, business partners, and shareholders.

Representative Director, President and CEO
Akira Oyama