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Environmental Goals

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In the international community, the movement towards achieving a sustainable society is accelerating. For example, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs*1) have been agreed upon in 2015, and the Paris Agreement,*2 an initiative aiming at the realization of a zero-carbon society, has come into force. In response, the Ricoh Group conducts its environmental management by setting environmental goal of achieving a “zero-carbon society” and “circular economy.”

  • *1.Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): These are shared global goals that were agreed at the United Nations, which stipulated global priorities and the ideal targets to be reached by 2030. The SDGs comprise 17 goals and 169 targets.
  • *2. The Paris Agreement: This international agreement was adopted at COP21 and specifically addresses the issue of global warming. It was agreed that it is essential to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, achieving a balance between GHG emissions and absorptions by the end of this century.

Setting goals using the back-casting method, aiming to improve the Earth’s self-recovery capabilities

The Ricoh Group uses the back-casting method to set goals. In this approach, we first set final goals and then determine target values as milestones on the journey to these goals. As the milestones toward the final goal of the Three Ps Balance, we have set environmental goals for 2030,2040 and 2050 in the area of zero-carbon and for 2030 and 2050 in the area of resource conservation.

We use these goals in the Action Plan, which we issue every three years based on our mid-term management strategies in order to develop highly effective actions to achieve our environmental goals for 2030.

We recognize that it is important to maintain and restore the Earth’s self-recovery capabilities while reducing the damage to the environment. We conduct forest ecology conservation activities around the world for this purpose, and we are encouraging our customers and local communities to join the activities.

Setting environmental Goals

image:Setting environmental targets

‹Ricoh Group Environmental Declaration›
We proactively reduce environmental impact and strive to improve the Earth’s self-recovery capabilities to achieve a zero-carbon society and a circular economy through business.

Outline of Environmental goals

Zero-carbon area

Environmental goals ‹Goals for 2050› 
  • GHG Scope 1,2,3: Net zero emission.
‹Goals for 2040› 
  • GHG Scope 1, 2: Zero emission (90% reduction compared to 2015 level, residual emissions are offset via internationally acceptable method)
  • GHG Scope 3: 65% reduction compared to (2015 level, All categories)
  • Renewable energy usage ratio: 100%
‹Goals for 2030› 
  • GHG Scope 1, and 2: 63% reduction*3 (Compared to 2015 level)
  • GHG Scope 3: 40% reduction (Compared to 2015 level, procurement / use / logistics categories)
  • Renewable energy usage ratio: 50%
  • *3 Reduction target approved as a SBT(Science Based Targets)
  • Notes:
  • - GHG Scope 1: All direct GHG emissions from the Company’s own manufacturing plants, offices, vehicles etc.
  • - GHG Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from the consumption of electricity and heat, purchased by the company
  • - GHG Scope 3: Emissions in the supply chain of business activities (excludes GHG Scope 1 and 2)
  1. Aim to achieve net-zero GHG emissions from its own business activities through comprehensive energy conservation activities and the use of renewable energy.
  2. Aim to establish a zero-carbon society by providing highly energy-efficient products and solutions and by actively encouraging business partners to do the same.
  3. Actively work on adaptation against climate change.
Major activities
  • Improve production processes.
  • Improve product energy efficiency.
  • Active and effective use of renewable energy.
  • Technical development  related to renewable energy
  • Support suppliers in their CO2 reduction activities.

GHG Scope1、2

  FY2015 (Base year) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Emissions (1,000tons) 458 290 263 250 226
Reduction rate (Compared to the 2015 level) 36.7% 42.7% 45.4% 50.6%

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GHG Scope3

  FY2015 (Base year) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Emissions (1,000tons) 2,333 1,585 1,522 1,591 1,434
Reduction rate (Compared to the 2015 level) 32.1% 34.8% 31.8% 38.5%

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  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Renewable energy usage ratio 17.3% 25.3% 30.1% 33.6%

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Resource conservation area

Environmental goals ‹Goals for 2050› 
  • Virgin material usage ratio*4: 12% or less
‹Goals for 2030› 
  • Virgin material usage ratio*4: 60% or less
  • *4 Virgin material usage ratio is the usage ratio of new resource inputs to total resource inputs of products.
  1. Contribute to realizing a circular economy by promoting the efficient use and circulation of natural resources.
  2. Offer recycled products and promote further use of / conversion to sustainable resources with low environmental impact.
Major activities
  • Develop technologies to make products/parts smaller and lighter.
  • Develop technologies to improve reliability of products/parts, such as technologies to make product life longer.
  • Offer recycled products globally.
  • Increase recycling ratio of products/parts/materials by developing technologies for recycling and efficient use of recycled items.
  • Reduce the use of materials at a high risk of depletion or replace them with other materials.
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Virgin material usage ratio of products 90.7% 87.9% 84.9% 78.9%
Amount of virgin materials used in products (kt) 77.7 70.9 79.5 61.6

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