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An integrated platform to
monitor the elderly
and patients under observation
An integrated platform to monitor the elderly and patients under observation

Better nursing and healthcare services

High-precision monitoring of biological information such as weight, body motion and respiration

Super-aging societies are faced with urgent issues such as greater social welfare spending, increased costs in the caregiving and healthcare industries, and labor shortages. With the aim of providing caregiving and healthcare support, Ricoh has launched a joint business development project with MinebeaMitsumi Inc., a company which possesses advanced sensor module technology.
Phase 1, which launches in 2018, will consist of a platform to keep the elderly under observation via a bed sensor system that monitors biological information. This is a high-precision system that noninvasively and painlessly monitors biological information about the person in the bed, for example their weight, body movements and respiration. It makes it possible to monitor issues such as falls or abnormal breathing, and can reduce workloads, for example by measuring and recording body weight.

Using the acquired data to suggest optimum caregiving and healthcare services

In Phase 2 of our caregiving and healthcare support portfolio, we aim to provide even more advanced monitoring services by using AI to link the bed sensor system with the nursing care record system and bedside nurse call buttons. We will go even further in Phase 3 and develop an integrated information service platform that utilizes the data acquired from the bed sensor system as well as information from other sources, including surveillance cameras. We will develop solutions that can offer individuals optimum caregiving and healthcare services based on an analysis of their daily life patterns, a business with a focus that even includes predicting illness and providing support during convalescence.
Our aim is to broaden the scope of the value we provide, expanding it beyond the office to other kinds of workplaces and then on into society at large. This solution to provide caregiving and healthcare support is part of that initiative. It will help to maintain the QOL (Quality of Life) and extend the years of healthy life.

News release

MinebeaMitsumi Inc. and Ricoh sign a joint business development agreement for a bed sensor system

Innovations vital to enhancing long-term care


Innovations vital to enhancing long-term care

How Ricoh is leveraging IoT innovations to transform the quality of long-term eldercare

Fulfillment through Work

Fulfillment can be defined as a feeling gained from achievement and self-development.​
RICOH enables individuals to work smarter, and by providing fulfillment through work, we will enhance the quality of life.